Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Kenalan gw dengan Ufi Sastro Dimejo

Malam ini gw g bisa tidur karena memikirkan berbagai macam hal, termasuk masalah dalam hidup gw.. Yah sebut saja tentang sari dan Ufi.. hhehe ngomong ap si gw.. Yah maklumlah elektron-elektron valensi gw lagi ga stabil. Bayangin aja ikatan vanderwalls yang semakin dekat maka smakin kuat dan sebaliknya. Bgtu jg dengan gw, gw yg kini jauh dengan si kebo alias dah gak sama dia lg otomatis gw harus nyari pasangan elektron baru wat gw stabil, dan ikatan vanderwalls pun akan sllu gw jaga kekuatannya.
Ok awal ketemu, eh bukan tapi awal gw kenalan sama ufi yaitu lewat Hp gw sendiri.. haha aneh kan.. Waktu gw sore-sore pulang dari kampus dengan wajah kusut nan memelas. Si Deo dengan reaksi spontannya ngambil hp gw dengan alasan pulsa dia abiz n mw pinjem wat sms, “Ok, ambil aj Om..” kata gw.. yah gw kirain wat sms nana, tp ternyata wat sms ufi. Ufi adalah sebuah senyawaan yang tak dikenal dan sangat meracuni orang apabila mencium bau keteknya,,hahaha kalo yg ini gw becanda. Ehem, sebut saja ufi itu si marmut ya, karena yg dulu itu cwe gw si kebo dan gw kambing, gw penggemar berat bang DickA jd gw mirip2in sama bukunya, hehe piss bang!.. balik lg ke ufi si marmut dan gw sendiri si kucing.. Bayangin aja kalo dua makhluk ini menikah bakalan punya anak marmut berkepala kucing dengan bulu domba, atau malah kucing pemalu yang punya gigi marmut dan bulunya kaya landak..hahaha
Setelah si om pinjem hp gw, gw pun mulai inspeksi hp gw dari kontaminasi si deo..(deo = om) dan gw baca sms “syg jgn lupa mamz yach…” wah ini ma bwt nana. Gw cb cari yg lain, “iya kdeo ufi dah dapet kosan di putri salsa, tp djuanda kak,,hehehe mw ditempat kdeo tp dah penuh kata mamanya kdeo” pikir gw, hahaha ya g mungkinlah kost dt4 deo, itu kan cowo smua, masuk sarang mahode’ nih kata gw..(‘mahoDewa).. gw pun mulai iseng-iseng balesin dg gaya sok kuull,,hehei “mav ni sapa ya, deonya lagi boker sambil nyanyi2 kaya kucing minta dikawinin.. dg siapa dimana?” yaahh itulah awal dari gw kenal sama si marmut, and until this night I post this story.. tu bi kontinyu, ha ha ha

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Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

daily-notes-JANUARY 2009

"Is it love ... whether it's love ... that is able to complete the hole in my heart ...." The sound of her songs this week Letto I make my cell phone ring tones continue to read, I stretched lazily and tried to open my eyes that feels very heavy. But suddenly kantukku suddenly disappeared when I saw my beloved chlorine name emblazoned on the phone screen

"Morning honey ..." his voice sounded crisp on the other side

"What's wrong, early in the morning dah bother people sleep?" I replied a little sulking

"Well ... yes nat you forgot, we're early in the morning going for a walk"

"The streets where?"

"My usual ... this morning we kedapur melejatkan mothers for their cooking, cooking demonstrations by noon we go to rudy choerudin"

"Kemakanan MULU, I'm tired of ya, not join ah"

"Lho kok so, continue what if the children were gondokan all human beings? us is also a hassle. Anyway we did the most matching pairs SPU nat compatriot, the way each of us, not cried ah "

"Well ... let Mr. chlorine"

Telponku I close, I look at my land oil room, "ahh ..." I yelled. Long ago I invented as chlorine, he was unsure of the most gorgeous I've ever seen in our village the periodic system of elements in the alley three blocks V11 A with house number 17, we even got peredikat most matching pairs this year.

We first met in the ocean. At that time he was happy to mentap dusk. And there we were a handsome couple. We used both the road to the kitchens to the residents or industrial plants. We also sometimes recalled our encounter in the open sea, ahh ... lovely. But there was one that made this heart burn sometimes jealous, there were rumors that he was having an affair with the water molecules. Even according to the latest news that I heard they were married and had children named HCl, I want to confront the water if necessary to kill him but I have no proof therefore if I'm close to him I langsung angry especially the oxygen that the water molecules still Sodara I like fanning the , making direct my anger rising a few degrees.


My eyes are still swollen but my tears just kept flowing, my heart is sick ... sick amazing, my beloved chlorine was completely betrayed my love, she was already married and have children of water molecules HCl and apparently he also had an affair with my brothers like calcium (CaCl2), potassium (KCl), Barium (BaCl2) that lie behind them

Basic womanizer!!

I remember that time, he was beloved of chlorine (still deserve what I call him a lover?) Recognizes all perbuatanya after knowing I had caught him when he was in a laboratory along the road. With the help of human negligence I approached the water molecules, I'm mad at him because he had seized the chlorine from me. I fight with him and the fire fight that occurred in the added presence of oxygen that continues memanasiku then kemarahnku increasingly become the laboratory was on fire and drop it by my anger

I went to the full fury of chlorine with questioning the reason behind why she was having an affair

"What I'm less than perfect in the eyes of chlorine, to the point that you would do this all, first I think this is just gossip the human lab but you ... you really menghianatiku" semprotku crying.

"All this because I love you nat," he replied.

"What did you say? love me? you having an affair and married him because I love? "

"Yeah nat, you were so perfect in my eyes, you have the typical traits that so I did not marry you because I'm afraid you'll be so damaging kecantikanmu.Aku contain water molecules to marry and have children Hcl was none other than the one goal. You know ... said the man's beauty lab has different colors typical of other elements that will be seen by everyone, provided that there are other compounds that can help you and compounds that are biased to help others is the HCl was not my son, the little Hcl'll help you do a flame test then your pretty colors that can be seen, do not you glad? looks pretty, and the puja many people "he said at length, smiling SMBIL

For a moment I was speechless how nice he is, how much in love but deep down I still felt sick to her and quietly I swear I will not forgive the water and oxygen molecules in my life, that my oath ..!

MIDDLE February 2009

Since know my love affair chlorine behind me, I will start flirting with nitrates (NANO 3), with carbonate (NaCO3), with his brother chlorine, bromine (NaBr) and many others. Sometimes I will like the streets alone without being accompanied by my lovers, I'm with my sister sometimes helps the human potassium. I joined the ions maintain osmotic and pH balance of blood in the human body.

End of February 2009

At the end of February this I do not want to test me nyala.Awalnya but the insistence of my boyfriend who she said Chlor ma dear me, I was finally going to do it. If human analogy might be a kind of flame test oprasi kali.Waktu plastic in a flame test with the help of my beloved children chlorine HCl turned out I produce a yellow color. I wondered why I could color and why my colors are visible only when the color yellow a lot. Eh after I asked the man when the lab was in heat the electrons in the electron back I experienced eksitasi.Saat kekedudukan originally going to release energy in the form of light energy with a specific wavelength. If the wavelength is in the visible region of the visible flame colored tertentu.Dan coincidence that happened to me in the wavelength region of color appears yellow kuning.itulah why I though my colors a lot.

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Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Tetapan kesetimbangan kimia

Dalam system tertutup, dimana tekanan dan suhu dijaga, maka energi bebas Gibbs adalah nol.

artikel 23

Dalam keadaan kesetimbangan reaksi berlangsung dalam dua arah yaitu ke arah pembentukan dan ke arah penguraian. Kita ambil contoh reaksi berikut

N2 + 3 H2 ⇄ 2 NH3

Dari persamaan kesetimbangan di atas nampak bahwa gas nitrogen bereaksi dengan gas hidrogen membentuk gas amoniak, ditandai dengan arah reaksi ke kanan. Sedangkan reaksi ke arah kiri merupakan reaksi penguraian dari gas amoniak menjadi gas nitrogen dan gas Hidrogen.

Pada saat kesetimbangan, ke tiga zat ada di dalam campuran, dimana komposisi zat tidak sama atau tidak sesuai dengan persamaan reaksinya.

Komposisi zat yang ada dalam kesetimbangan dicerminkan oleh harga tetapan kesetimbangan, perhatikan Gambar 9.7.

gambar 9.7

Gambar 9.7 Kesetimbangan gas dari pembentukan senyawa NH3 dari gas N2 dan H2 dalam system tertutup

Reaksi umum dari kesetimbangan;

a A + b B ⇄ c C + d D

dan berlaku energi bebas Gibbs ΔG = 0, dimana

artikel 24

Kp = Tetapan kesetimbangan (dalam fasa gas)
pC = tekanan gas C, dengan koofisien reaksi c
pD = tekanan gas D dengan koofisien reaksi d
pA = tekanan gas A dengan koofisien reaksi a
pB = tekanan gas B dengan koofisien reaksi b.

Selanjutnya, Guldenberg dan Waage, mengembangkan kesetimbangan dalam fasa larutan, dan mereka menemukan bahwa dalam keadaan kesetimbangan pada suhu tetap, maka hasil kali konsentrasi zat-zat hasil reaksi dibagi dengan hasil kali konsentrasi pereaksi yang sisa dimana masing-masing konsentrasi itu dipangkatkan dengan koefisien reaksinya adalah tetap. Pernyataan ini dikenal dengan Hukum Guldberg dan Wange, dan disederhanakan ke dalam persamaan

artikel 25

Kc = Tetapan kesetimbangan (dalam fasa gas)
[C] = tekanan gas C, dengan koofisien reaksi c
[D]= tekanan gas D dengan koofisien reaksi d
[A] = tekanan gas A dengan koofisien reaksi a
[B] = tekanan gas B dengan koofisien reaksi b

Persamaan tetapan kesetimbangan di atas, dapat memberikan informasi bahwa harga K kecil menunjukan bahwa zat-zat hasil reaksi (zat C dan D) lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan zat-zat yang bereaksi (zat A dan B).

Jika kita mengukur harga K dan besarnya belum mencapai harga K pada saat kesetimbangan, berarti reaksi yang dilakukan belum mencapai kesetimbangan.

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Agriculture Industry Development

Agriculture is the process of producing food, snacks, fiber, and many of the results of other needs in the agricultural sector of certain plants and by the local animals (livestock). Agricultural practices also known as "farming", while the experts, inventors, etc. to change the methods and agricultural equipment, agriculture can be said to become more useful.

Subsistence farming often happens to the farmers who cultivate on a small area with limited income and the results are only sufficient for the needs of his family. Furthermore, intensive agriculture ads also included in the agricultural industry, such as agriculture covers broad fields, the number of animals, another major income source (pesticides, fertilizer, insecticide, etc.) and the mechanization of the highest quality.

Production of agricultural goods including various woods, leather, industrial chemicals (starch, sugar, alcohol, and dammar), fibers (cotton, wool, flax, hemp silk and fine), fuels (methane from biomass, ethanol , biodiesel), cut flowers, ornamental plants, and plant seeds, tropical fish and birds for pet trade, and drugs legal and legitimate (live pharmacy, tobacco, cannabis, opium and cocaine).

In the twentieth century has seen massive changes in agricultural practices, especially agricultural chemical includes the application of chemical fertilizer, chemical insecticides, and chemical fungicides, soil quality improvement, analyze agricultural products, and nutritional needs of cattle.

Starting in the western world, the green revolution spread many of the changes to agriculture in the world, with varying success. Today another change agriculture including hydroponics, plant maintenance, hybridization, genetic engineering, pengelolahan better soil nutrients and improved weed control. Genetic engineering to produce crop plants memilikai natural abilities more than usual, as a result of higher and resistant to disease. Changing the seeds sprout faster, by and can be planted in an area that is being ditumbuh expansion.

Genetic engineering of plants to prove what is debated, particularly on fighting pests or diseases. During the year 2006 is estimated 36% of the world, farmers use agriculture (down from 41% in 1996) to make more far from ordinary farmers.

However agriculture has decreased continuously since the beginning of a relatively significant industry. And in the year 2006 for the first time in history, the agricultural sector decreased dramatically as a consequence of the economic sectors that employ people as farmers worldwide. Also agricultural production records no more 5% of the dozens of world product (the sum of all the dozens of local products)

from :

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