Senin, 03 Mei 2010

UAS KOMDAT 2010/2011


Two-Sample T-Test and CI: TOMAT (µg/g); MENTIMUN (µg/g)

Two-sample T for TOMAT (µg/g) vs MENTIMUN (µg/g)

N Mean StDev SE Mean

TOMAT 7 772,6 13,6 5,1

MENTIMUN 7 780,9 10,4 3,9

Difference = mu TOMAT (µg/g) - mu MENTIMUN (µg/g)

Estimate for difference: -8,29

95% CI for difference: (-22,37; 5,80)

T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = -1,28 P-Value = 0,224 DF = 12

Both use Pooled StDev = 12,1

Kesimpulan : karena nilai dari P <>


Regression Analysis: Absorbans versus Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)

The regression equation is

Absorbans = 0,257 + 0,00535 Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 0,256917 0,002384 107,75 0,000

Emas yg 0,00534881 0,00005700 93,84 0,000

S = 0,003694 R-Sq = 99,9% R-Sq(adj) = 99,9%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 0,12016 0,12016 8806,33 0,000

Residual Error 6 0,00008 0,00001

Total 7 0,12024

Kesimpulan : nilai regresi dari kedua data tersebut adalah 0,999

Analisis korelasi :

Correlations: Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml); Absorbans

Pearson correlation of Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml) and Absorbans = 1,000

P-Value = 0,000

Kesimpulan : Nilai korelasi antara emas yang ditambahkan dengan absorbans adalah 1,000 , maka hubungan antara keduanya sangat erat.

Jika emas yang ditambahkan sebanyak 80 ng/ml maka absorbans yang diperoleh sesuai rumus regresi Absorbans = 0,257 + 0,00535 E

mas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)adalah 0,685



One-way ANOVA: Ulangan; A; B; C

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Factor 3 552,515 184,172 438,57 0,000

Error 12 5,039 0,420

Total 15 557,554

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------

Ulangan 4 2,500 1,291 (*)

A 4 16,055 0,045 (*-)

B 4 16,043 0,102 (*)

C 4 16,115 0,026 (*-)


Pooled StDev = 0,648 5,0 10,0 15,0

Keaimpulan : karena P <>


One-way ANOVA: Metode versus Perlakuan

Analysis of Variance for Metode

Source DF SS MS F P

Perlakua 2 0,01202 0,00601 1,38 0,301

Error 9 0,03927 0,00436

Total 11 0,05129

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+-------

A 4 16,0550 0,0451 (------------*-----------)

B 4 16,0425 0,1018 (------------*-----------)

C 4 16,1150 0,0265 (------------*-----------)


Pooled StDev = 0,0661 16,020 16,080 16,140

Dunnett's comparisons with a control

Family error rate = 0,0500

Individual error rate = 0,0281

Critical value = 2,61

Control = level (B) of Perlakua

Intervals for treatment mean minus control mean

Level Lower Center Upper -+---------+---------+---------+------

A -0,10960 0,01250 0,13460 (-----------*-----------)

C -0,04960 0,07250 0,19460 (-----------*-----------)


-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

Tukey's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0,0500

Individual error rate = 0,0209

Critical value = 3,95

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)


B -0,11797


C -0,19047 -0,20297

0,07047 0,05797

Fisher's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0,113

Individual error rate = 0,0500

Critical value = 2,262

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)


B -0,09316


C -0,16566 -0,17816

0,04566 0,03316

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