Senin, 03 Mei 2010

UAS KOMDAT 2010/2011


Two-Sample T-Test and CI: TOMAT (µg/g); MENTIMUN (µg/g)

Two-sample T for TOMAT (µg/g) vs MENTIMUN (µg/g)

N Mean StDev SE Mean

TOMAT 7 772,6 13,6 5,1

MENTIMUN 7 780,9 10,4 3,9

Difference = mu TOMAT (µg/g) - mu MENTIMUN (µg/g)

Estimate for difference: -8,29

95% CI for difference: (-22,37; 5,80)

T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = -1,28 P-Value = 0,224 DF = 12

Both use Pooled StDev = 12,1

Kesimpulan : karena nilai dari P <>


Regression Analysis: Absorbans versus Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)

The regression equation is

Absorbans = 0,257 + 0,00535 Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P

Constant 0,256917 0,002384 107,75 0,000

Emas yg 0,00534881 0,00005700 93,84 0,000

S = 0,003694 R-Sq = 99,9% R-Sq(adj) = 99,9%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Regression 1 0,12016 0,12016 8806,33 0,000

Residual Error 6 0,00008 0,00001

Total 7 0,12024

Kesimpulan : nilai regresi dari kedua data tersebut adalah 0,999

Analisis korelasi :

Correlations: Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml); Absorbans

Pearson correlation of Emas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml) and Absorbans = 1,000

P-Value = 0,000

Kesimpulan : Nilai korelasi antara emas yang ditambahkan dengan absorbans adalah 1,000 , maka hubungan antara keduanya sangat erat.

Jika emas yang ditambahkan sebanyak 80 ng/ml maka absorbans yang diperoleh sesuai rumus regresi Absorbans = 0,257 + 0,00535 E

mas yg ditambahkan (ng/ml)adalah 0,685



One-way ANOVA: Ulangan; A; B; C

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Factor 3 552,515 184,172 438,57 0,000

Error 12 5,039 0,420

Total 15 557,554

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------

Ulangan 4 2,500 1,291 (*)

A 4 16,055 0,045 (*-)

B 4 16,043 0,102 (*)

C 4 16,115 0,026 (*-)


Pooled StDev = 0,648 5,0 10,0 15,0

Keaimpulan : karena P <>


One-way ANOVA: Metode versus Perlakuan

Analysis of Variance for Metode

Source DF SS MS F P

Perlakua 2 0,01202 0,00601 1,38 0,301

Error 9 0,03927 0,00436

Total 11 0,05129

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+-------

A 4 16,0550 0,0451 (------------*-----------)

B 4 16,0425 0,1018 (------------*-----------)

C 4 16,1150 0,0265 (------------*-----------)


Pooled StDev = 0,0661 16,020 16,080 16,140

Dunnett's comparisons with a control

Family error rate = 0,0500

Individual error rate = 0,0281

Critical value = 2,61

Control = level (B) of Perlakua

Intervals for treatment mean minus control mean

Level Lower Center Upper -+---------+---------+---------+------

A -0,10960 0,01250 0,13460 (-----------*-----------)

C -0,04960 0,07250 0,19460 (-----------*-----------)


-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

Tukey's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0,0500

Individual error rate = 0,0209

Critical value = 3,95

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)


B -0,11797


C -0,19047 -0,20297

0,07047 0,05797

Fisher's pairwise comparisons

Family error rate = 0,113

Individual error rate = 0,0500

Critical value = 2,262

Intervals for (column level mean) - (row level mean)


B -0,09316


C -0,16566 -0,17816

0,04566 0,03316

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Latihan uas komdat ahhh,,

————— 03/05/2010 21:28:22 ————————————————————

Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help.

Descriptive Statistics: Kadar (g/l)

Variable N Mean Median TrMean StDev SE Mean
Kadar (g 16 42,038 42,000 41,986 3,258 0,815

Variable Minimum Maximum Q1 Q3
Kadar (g 37,200 47,600 39,350 45,100

Histogram (with Normal Curve) of Kadar (g/l)

Kesimpulan : berdasarkan Grafik Histogram, data data tsb valid.
One-Sample T: Kekuatan Nyala(jam)

Test of mu = 400 vs mu not = 400

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean
Kekuatan Nya 7 416,4 45,5 17,2

Variable 95,0% CI T P
Kekuatan Nya ( 374,3; 458,5) 0,95 0,377
Kesimpulan : p>a tbn
Paired T-Test and CI: Oksidasi Basah; Ekstraksi Langsung

Paired T for Oksidasi Basah - Ekstraksi Langsung

N Mean StDev SE Mean
Oksidasi Bas 4 60,50 8,58 4,29
Ekstraksi La 4 62,25 12,28 6,14
Difference 4 -1,75 4,99 2,50

95% CI for mean difference: (-9,69; 6,19)
T-Test of mean difference = 0 (vs not = 0): T-Value = -0,70 P-Value = 0,534

Kesimpulan : p>a maka tbn

Saving file as: C:\Users\Raka\Desktop\latihan jojow ddan ssi ijul lucu.MPJ

Regression Analysis: Absorbansi versus Konsentrasi Glukosa

The regression equation is
Absorbansi = 0,00829 + 0,0701 Konsentrasi Glukosa

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 0,008286 0,004039 2,05 0,110
Konsentr 0,0701429 0,0006670 105,16 0,000

S = 0,005581 R-Sq = 100,0% R-Sq(adj) = 100,0%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 0,34440 0,34440 11058,76 0,000
Residual Error 4 0,00012 0,00003
Total 5 0,34453

Macro is running ... please wait

Regression Analysis: Absorbansi versus Konsentrasi

The regression equation is
Absorbansi = 0,0082857 + 0,0701429 Konsentrasi

S = 0,0055806 R-Sq = 100,0 % R-Sq(adj) = 100,0 %

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 0,344401 0,344401 11058,8 0,000
Error 4 0,000125 0,000031
Total 5 0,344526

Fitted Line Plot: Absorbansi versus Konsentrasi

Correlations: Konsentrasi Glukosa; Absorbansi

Pearson correlation of Konsentrasi Glukosa and Absorbansi = 1,000
P-Value = 0,000

One-way ANOVA: Sampel; H; p; I

Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Factor 3 1159,16 386,39 49,91 0,000
Error 20 154,84 7,74
Total 23 1314,01
Individual 95% CIs For Mean
Based on Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+-------
Sampel 6 3,500 1,871 (---*---)
H 6 18,800 2,613 (---*---)
p 6 19,983 3,138 (---*---)
I 6 19,767 3,286 (---*---)
Pooled StDev = 2,782 6,0 12,0 18,0
Kesimpulan : P>a jd harus ada perlakuan lanjutan

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